Blue board vs. green board vs. white board

We know that not everyone is an expert on the plastering trade. This article will explain the different choices we make when we work, and why we do them. Specifically: why we choose blue board for our drywall.

White board - budget

White board, or regular drywall, is one of the most commonly used materials with contractors. While this option is more budget-friendly, you are incurring unnecessary risk to your home, as the water resistance and mold resistance compared to other types of drywall is significantly inferior.

Green board - water resistant

Another option for drywall is green board. This type of drywall mainly provides homeowners with enhanced moisture-resistance properties. Although better than traditional drywall, we still prefer blue board.

Blue board - all rounder at a great price

Blue board is a type of drywall that combines both moisture and mold resistance into a single product. With a high resistance to both elements, blue board works exceptionally well in high moisture environments like bathrooms. Given that the price is comparable to green board, this is why we feel it is the winner.


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