Blue board vs. drywall: a complete guide

Knowing your options is always best when it comes to any type of home construction. This article will highlight several differences between the traditional sheet rock (that most people are accustomed to), and blue board. As you will see, blue board is usually the best option.

What is blue board?

One of the fundamental questions involves an understanding of what our team does – what is blue board? Here at KT Blue Board Plastering, we can assist in a variety of home construction services. With new construction or remodels, there is typically a need some type of drywall. Blue board is a type of drywall designed to bond with a specially formulated plaster. blue board offers several benefits which makes it a superior alternative to traditional drywall.

What’s so special about blue board?

Arguably the most important feature of blue board is the high water and mold resistance it provides. Water and mold, as homeowners know, can wreak havoc on your home and your wallet. Not only can you face structural damage, but there are several health risks involved as well. With the utilization of blue board, you can provide an added barrier between your family and these risks for a reasonable price.

Where does the plaster come in?

Blue board is designed to bond with plaster. Specifically, veneer plaster. Blue board drywall combined with veneer plaster offer even more beneficial, and desirable, features. For instance, veneer plaster is much harder than a regular drywall surface. Thus, it is less likely to incur holes, dents, and scratches through everyday life.

Can I paint blue board?

Yes! Unlike other drywall solutions, homeowners can paint directly over blue board with veneer plastering. However, painting veneer is not required. Many homeowners enjoy the natural off-white color of the smooth plaster’s surface.

What’s the difference with installation?

Traditional drywall can be a three-day process. From hanging to compound application, sanding, and additional applications, drywall can be a daunting task if not done efficiently. However, with blue board installation, there is no lag in the installation time. By eliminating the need for sanding and extended drying times, blue board can be completed often within a single day.


Another significant consideration is the appearance that your drywall will provide. The walls of your home are one of the most prominent visual areas, so you will want them to look as good as the rest of your home. Lower quality drywall often has these issues:

  • Uneven wall tone

  • Rough or bumpy finishes

  • Noticeable joints

Blue board eliminates these issues, which is why we prefer to use it.

Simpler application

As we all know, time is money. Thus, by selecting a drywall solution that provides a quick installation, you save money. Luckily for you, blue board is the solution you’ve been looking for! On average, a traditional drywall application can take up to three days. This time period involves hanging, applying compound, drying, sanding, and repeating the process. However, when you choose blue board, your job can often be completed the same day. By eliminating the drying and sanding process, you’re enabling contractors to complete the job in a fraction of the time.


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